Kung Fu is a martial art, it's a great fitness regime, it works out the whole body without wearing it down but for me it's a way to connect to myself. Each technique requires that the whole body be engaged to maximize power while minimizing effort. It requires the mind to be aware of every muscle, joint, ligament and tendon executing each move from beginning to end. From the tips of toes to the tips of the fingers, from the heel of the foot to the top of the head, the mind increases it's ability to be aware at all times, which creates the mind body connection. I use Kung Fu to be aware of my body and mind, it then becomes a moving meditation and way to center my thoughts and feelings. Through Kung fu we can develop our intuition so we can see and feel the world with deeper senses. At the higher level it becomes as much a spiritual journey as it is a physical or mental one.
Because Kung Fu it incorporates Chinese medicine (looking at the body holistically), Taoist philosophy (concepts of yin and yang force energy) and Buddhist principles (mindfulness and ethics), it is a system human development that accesses all forms of living. Kung Fu is learning life itself.
Because Kung Fu it incorporates Chinese medicine (looking at the body holistically), Taoist philosophy (concepts of yin and yang force energy) and Buddhist principles (mindfulness and ethics), it is a system human development that accesses all forms of living. Kung Fu is learning life itself.